Happy All Saints (11/1) and All Souls (11/2) Days to Mattie’s and my global friends and family. In the Catholic faith, a saint is an ordinary person who lives making extraordinary choices and who role models virtues — such as faith, and hope, and love — during the triumphant times and during the toughest times.
It is not so much about what a person accomplishes, but more about how a person reflects God and goodness, in ways that inspire hope and peace and love.
Mattie loved the saints, and looked to them and how they lived for inspiration. Some of his favorites, and mine, include St. Jude Thaddeus (Mattie’s confirmation name), St. Rita (my choice for guidance), St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony, St. Dymphna, and St. Andre Bessette…
Mattie also loved all of creation, and was inspired by the purpose and diverse mosaic of “Heartsong” beauty — the unique and collective gifts — of all of humanity.
On All Saints and All Souls Days, we have the opportunity to reflect on recognized and everyday saints and souls — our neighbors near and far in time and space — and pause for a bit of inspiration…
Let us remember that all saints come into the world as everyday people — like each of us… and let us remember that all souls matter in this world and Ever in the realm of Heaven…
We each and we all are created in the image of God — of love, with purpose, and for community… and we each and we all can be blessed by others and be blessings for others.
We each and we all — every soul, every day — are called to be saints: to simply live with good’ness, tending to basic needs, choosing kindness and respect even amid disagreements and regrets, and cultivating peace.