Mattie’s Foundation

The mission of the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation is to continue the humanitarian work of the late teen poet and peace activist, Mattie J.T. Stepanek.

Like Mattie, we believe that that “Peace is possible!”- for ourselves, for our communities, and for our world – because peace begins with personal and community choices.

We create materials and activities – easy to explore and enjoy – to educate youth and adults around the world in understanding how peace begins – through purposeful choices in attitude and action, and how peace grows – as we tend to basic human needs.

We collaborate with individuals and communities – diverse in age and size – to engage families and leaders, schools and businesses, and more, and equip them with information and inspiration so that all people in all places have the tools they need to move peace from a possibility to a reality.

We connect new generations to Mattie’s messages – Heartsongs and purpose – to empower global neighbors in exploring peace tips and tools, and characteristics that facilitate Pathways to Peace – so that we can each, and all, seek, make, and bring sustainable peace for ourselves, and for our world.

We carry “forthward” Mattie’s missionMake Peace the News – to envision and realize the hope that “peace is possible” and to encourage community Peace Day and Toast2Peace events dedicated to educational and recreational opportunities for service and celebration.

We celebrate Mattie’s vision – “peace is for all people” – to embrace and amplify the truth that “we are a mosaic of gifts” and to motivate people across time and space to become ambassadors and champions of peace.


Come to the Table…

As #Partners4Peace with the Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation, the Main Street Connect community hosts weekly “Dinner with Mama Peace” gatherings for MSC members, and monthly

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