September 2014

One of Mattie Stepanek‘s quotes is “Remember to play after every storm!”. He loved nature, sunsets, and rainbows. After it rains, my kids and I look for a rainbow and we hurry to see who will find one first.

Today I found this beautiful sight while picking up Mattie at theatre class. To the right of the main rainbow is a very faint second rainbow! Whenever we see a rainbow we feel that much closer to Mattie and we just breathe and smile to the sky! Yes Mattie, peace is possible!! Hugs to you too Mama Peace! — Dana Gerstle, Florida (Mom to Sadie & Mattie — two very active members of Mattie’s Peace Club Kids)

NOTE from Jeni (“Mattie’s mom”/”Mama Peace”): Thank you, Dana, and all parents, grandparents, educators, mentors, and others who support youth in learning about peace. It is wonderful to see so many adults “role model” peace as a choice in attitude and action, so that children and teens learn that peace matters, and that it grows when we nurture thought-patterns and habits that are consistent with peace, so that peace becomes who we “are” in addition to what we “do.” Peace matters — and, peace is possible, when we choose peace.

February 2014

January 2014

Hi Jeni: Thank you for putting Gavin’s Christmas card on the website. I’m sure it will put a smile on his face & will let you know his reaction when we can spend time on the site. I shared the link with his mom.  She will be on vacation & have time to look at it after today.  That was so sweet saying his card is the most beautiful and thoughtful gift you could receive this year &  for remembering Micah.  I will be sure to give him a hug from Mama Peace the next time I see him.
He will be happy to know there are more projects for the Peace Club Kids.  My very favorite picture on the Peace Tree is the one of you & Mattie at the ocean.  The ocean is the place where I always feel closest to God, think of you with Mattie & smile.
I have shared info with other grandmas.  The one I had met who organized the honor for our Veterans when Gavin’s mom was honored, said she had seen you on Oprah & yesterday asked if I knew if you were still living.  I think she will be thrilled knowing you are indeed living & communicate with Gavin, myself & the world.  I let her know I was lucky enough to meet you, have you sign your book & go to Mattie’s park 3 times.  I ordered your book from Amazon to be sent to her & know she will love it.  I will also share the PCK info with others who work with disabled children.  It will be a very positive activity.  Mattie’s message continues touching lives thanks to you!  You are in our prayers.   — Marrianne Maurice, Sharon PA (Grandmother of PCK Gavin R.)

September 2013

August 2013

Thought of you and Mattie! Love to you Jeni Stepanek!! — From Dana Gerstle
“There is no path to Happiness. Happiness is the path.
There is no path to Love. Love is the path.
There is no path to Peace. Peace is the path.” 
— Dan Millman

November 2012

click on photo to enlarge — from Dana (mom to 2 Peace Club Kids)

 Here are some photos of our family making the (Peace on Earth) ornaments (for the 2012 Mattie’s Foundation Peace Tree activity). It was a wonderful project for us to enjoy together. Even our pet fish, Rocky, loved watching us create! Thank you so much! — Love, Kate Esaia.  

October 2012

This reminded me of Mattie so I wanted to share. I took this off of our back deck yesterday after a heavy rain storm. ❤ — Keri Clark Cinotto (Member of Mattie’s Peace Club)


September 2012

People often believe in something but don’t really do anything to be an activist of that belief. You cannot rely on your neighbor to be the one to start a mission. YOU need to be the one to take the proverbial “bull by the horns” and lead. You will be amazed at how many people will join YOU. Mattie was right, one person cannot stop a war, but one can start a trend and get his words out there. Don’t just “like” a comment, take action and teach our children acceptance and empathy. These are the things that will make a difference. I am [sharing a photo of] a cake I made for my son’s preschool teacher appreciation lunch. I felt the message was clear — that the teachers exemplify kindness, faith, love and patience with our children. They are our future. It NEEDS to start with them if we are to see change. — Keri Clark Cinotto (via Facebook)
————–***NOTE: Keri and her spouse and children are all members of Mattie’s Peace Club

July 2012

Thank you for inspiring our children of the world 🙂   — Karen Sainas, Vancouver, British Columbia (via e-mail).
   ***NOTE: Karen registered as a VIP Member of Mattie’s Peace Club, and registered her children as members of our Peace Club Teens and Peace Club Kids groups. On behalf of Mattie’s Foundation, I am grateful for parents and leaders who choose to role model commitment and support such as this. Peace — Jeni.

June 2012

Peace at work, Jeni. These two asked if they could read about “that boy” instead of watch a movie. “What boy” I asked. “Mattie” was the reply. Shhh, it was 10:35 at night, they should have been in bed but Gramma couldn’t turn down that request. Nine year old Tyler finished Heartsongs. Eleven year old Kolby finished Heartsongs, and Journey Through Heartsongs, and has started Messenger. The photo was priceless! They were so engrossed! Brought tears to my eyes just watching them. — Dorothy Dimick via Facebook

**NOTE/Response: Thank you, Dorothy. Please sign the children up for our free Peace Club Kids membership so they can post on our Peace Club Kids pages. Looking forward to seeing their peace thoughts and poetry and artwork!

My copy of Messenger: The Legacy of Mattie J T Stepanek & Heartsongs arrived, and I’ve spent the last 4 hours reading,.I’ve laughed and I’ve cried and I’m sure as I continue to read this inspiring story of Mattie’s life and of yours I will laugh and cry more… I first saw Mattie on Oprah , like so many around the world , and have felt a connection to your son as my Matthew was born 2 weeks after yours, and I chose his name because of its meaning ”a Gift from God ” too. My son has lost his way spiritually speaking and I plan to give your book to my son Matt when he leaves to join the Australian Airforce, I have prayed that this is the path to lead him back to God and I believe that reading Mattie’s story will have a profound effect on him, this is my hope… I have not been able to put your book down since it arrived today, and I look forward to reading the rest of it, Mattie truely is a Gift from God thankyou for sharing his life with the world. — Lyn Wade, Australia (via Facebook)
